2016 International Hydrogen Conference Call for Abstracts is OPEN!
The website for the 2016 International Hydrogen Conference is now active. Please visit the website (http://conferences.illinois.edu/hydrogen2016) to find more details about the 2016 conference.
In tandem with the website going live, the abstract submission form is now also live. Abstracts which focus on the following topics are encouraged:
- Effects of hydrogen environments on mechanical properties of materials (e.g., deformation, wear, fatigue, fracture)
- Fracture mechanisms in hydrogen environments
- Hydrogen-deformation interaction mechanisms
- Hydrogen interactions with defects
- Hydrogen dissolution, diffusion, and trapping in materials
- Hydrogen-induced phase transformations and their effect on mechanical properties
- Design and life prediction of structures in hydrogen environments
- Hydrogen effects on polymers
- Hydrogen effects on tribo-interfaces
- Effects of hydrogen isotopes and helium on materials
- Modeling of hydrogen-materials interactions, including finite element, ab initio, and molecular dynamics methods
The abstract deadline will be January 15, 2016. Please visit the conference website (http://conferences.illinois.edu/hydrogen2016) to download the abstract template.